Construction of Global Platform for one of the leading banks in the Spanish market. The system has to enable generation of reports (pdfs, ppts, msgs) to the Bank’s executive layer from a monolithic application-based pipeline with django as the framework.
The project primarily consists of the design and implementation of a microservices solution that meets the scalability, flexibility and versatility requirements defined under the client’s requirements for creation of a product that generates the entity’s cost information by running an ETL job.
Bluetab performed the analysis of the group’s global cost information, extracting indicators of interest to senior management and identifying areas where to reduce those costs, providing graphical reports in ppt, with a multi-user, scalable, generalised solution to enable rapid adaptation to new analytics or new changes in requirements.
A state-of-the-art solution was implemented, reducing development time in the process of developing new analytics and algorithms by the user, proposing an App in which the user has a catalogue of functions to use and can combine them to form a pipeline with the processing they want.
Our fully compatible architecture uses Docker and Kubernetes (OpenShift) containers to enable horizontal scaling based on microservices that expose the data through various APIs and with a scalable, document-based database to solve the problem of the mutability of data sets and concurrency. Persistence is based on indexing the information; we performed code refactoring using atomisation and parametrisation of functions, and for DevOps scopes, deployment pipelines are created and configured.
The main technologies applied are: Python, django, Apache Airflow, mongoDB, PostgreSQL, and RabbitMQ as the messaging protocol.
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